The following policies are in effect during all Lenovo Center events to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests. Additional rules and regulations may be posted on Lenovo Center property or may be communicated through Lenovo Center staff.
Items You May Not Bring Into The Facility
- Backpacks & Oversized Bags (see Bag Policy for guidelines)
- Bottles, Cans, Coolers & Liquid Containers
- Food & Beverage (Including Alcohol)
- Illegal Substances
- Fireworks & Other Projectiles
- Recording Devices, Video Equipment - See Below
- Electronic Cigarettes, Tobacco Products & Vape Pens
- Electronic Devices - See Below
- Weapons of any Type (Including Pocketknives & Firearms)
- Large Chains & Studded Bracelets
- Laser Pointers & Aerosol Cans
- Noise-making devices (i.e. cowbells, horns, whistles, air horns, cymbals, bugles, thunder sticks, etc.)
- Large Banners, Signs, Sticks & Stickers - See Below
- Pets (Except Service Dogs) - See Below
- Two-Wheeled Motorized Devices
- Other Items as Required by Event Promoters
*Law Enforcement Officers: Off-duty police officers and other law enforcement officers may NOT bring firearms or concealed weapons into the facility.
Conditionally Permitted Items Are as Follows
Please contact us or visit LenovoCenter.com prior to a scheduled event to inquire the status of the following polices for a specific event.
No pets are permitted inside Lenovo Center. For those requiring the use of service animals – they are welcome at Lenovo Center. Please contact the arena in advance if any accommodations are required.
The use of audio, video or digital recording devices (including GoPros) are prohibited except for accredited members of the media.
Carolina Hurricanes & NC State Men’s Basketball (and related events): Point-and-shoot, as well as cameras with detachable lenses, are allowed, based on the following parameters.
- Detachable lenses must be less than five (5) inches long and less than three and a half inches (3.5) in diameter.
- The camera body cannot exceed three (3) inches in depth/length.
- The overall camera and detachable lens combination cannot exceed eight (8) inches in overall length.
All other attachments are prohibited including selfie sticks, wide angle lenses, lights, microphones, electrical connections, tripods, handles, oversized bags and stands. Moreover, be aware that certain camera features such as shutters and winding gear motors are noisy and may be a disturbance, thus we ask that you curtail use if advised.
Lenovo Center management reserves the right to revise the terms of acceptable cameras and use at any time.
For all other events (Concerts, Family Shows, etc.) please refer to the corresponding event page*. Only standard point-and-shoot cameras (with no detachable lenses) will be permitted. Please be prepared to return your camera to your car if personal photography is not permitted. *Show personnel reserve the right to change this policy.
Admission to Lenovo Center with a camera is granted on the condition that pictures taken with such camera are used exclusively for non-commercial purposes. Lenovo Center and the events presented are trademarked and/or copyrighted and, as such, are protected by state and federal law. No rights to such trademarks and copyrights are granted by virtue of Lenovo Center allowing photography of the facility or the events presented.
Electronic devices will be permitted on a conditional basis. Electronic devices are permitted for personal use only during Carolina Hurricanes and NC State Men’s Basketball games. They are prohibited for concerts, and the policy for all other events will be determined by the respective promoter. Please be prepared to return your device to your car if it is not permitted.
When approved, iPads, iPods, tablets, eReaders and handheld video game devices are allowed, based on conditional usage.
- May not interfere with the event enjoyment of other guests
- May not block the view of other guests
- May not impede other guests from entering and exiting the seating area
- May not be held above face level
- May not be used to video or audio record the event, nor interfere or violate the rights and privacy of others
- Wireless network access is free and public
Electronic devices are being allowed solely for personal entertainment or to conduct business by the holder of the device, and not for the purpose of enhancing the event for other guests. The sound and light from the device must be kept at a minimum and turned off during the National Anthem, periods of darkness or other appropriate times and circumstances.
Guests who are allowed to bring in electronic devices do so at their own risk and accept personal responsibility for its safeguard and injuries that could occur as a result of this device. User/Owner acknowledges that such devices can be accidentally or otherwise damaged. Lenovo Center will not be held liable and will not pay for the replacement, repair and other costs associated with any damage or loss of such devices.
Lenovo Center management reserves the right to revise the terms of acceptable devices and use at any time.
Violation of this Access and Conditional Usage Policy subjects the user/owner to ejection and the possibility of being trespassed from the venue.
Signs are permitted during Carolina Hurricanes and NC State Men’s Basketball games. However, other arena events such as concerts, family events, etc. prohibit signs/banners of any type; unless tour personnel request this policy to be lifted.
For approved events, signs/banners shall be allowed within the arena as long as they fall within the following guidelines:
- The sign/banner does not impair the view of any guest in the building or block any existing signage or vent. Size of sign must be appropriate type and size to enter into the arena and seating.
Max size = 3’ x 2’ - Information contained on the sign/banner cannot contain personal information, be construed as vulgar, offensive, graphic, or outside of what the community standard would consider in “good taste.”
- Signs/Banners are not permitted to be hung anywhere inside the arena.
- Be prepared to return an unauthorized sign/banner/stick to your vehicle.
Also, while signs that meet the above guidelines, Lenovo Center reserves the right to cancel this policy at anytime without notice - if deemed necessary by management.
Umbrellas are permitted. Guests are encouraged to store umbrellas under seats during the event. Umbrellas must remain closed inside the venue.
Carolina Hurricanes + NC State Bag Policy:
- Clutch/wristlet bags smaller than 4.5" x 6.5" are permitted; these are not required to enter via bag X-ray line.
- Parenting bags, and medical bags are permitted and required to pass through X-ray machine prior to entry.
- Guests can expect longer wait times for bag lines.
Bag policies for all other Lenovo Center events are determined by the tour promoter and may vary by each event. Please check the respective Event page for details.
Lenovo Center Admission
- All guests entering Lenovo Center are subject to search as permissible by law. Refusal will be grounds to prohibit admission.
- All guests 24 months or older entering the arena must have a valid event ticket to gain admission. Some events require a ticket for every person, regardless of age.
- Exit / Re-entry into Lenovo Center is NOT permitted, including for smoking. Lenovo Center is a smoke and tobacco free facility; including electronic cigarettes. Smoking areas are no longer available outside the arena.
- Children under the age of 16 years are encouraged to be accompanied by an adult. Lenovo Center provides a Chaperone Room for parents or accompanying adults during select concerts and events that attract a younger audience. Visit FAQs for more details.
- Please sit only in your assigned seat. Seating locations within Lenovo Center are reserved for guests holding valid admission tickets.
- Aisles should be kept clear at all times. Emergency situations require that stairways be kept clear. Guests sitting or standing in the aisles or walkways is prohibited.
- Please be aware that pucks can and do leave the ice and enter the stands during warm-ups, in-game, and even after play has stopped. To help avoid injury, stay alert while in the stands. Anyone sustaining injury from pucks or by any other means should go directly to First Aid, located adjacent to Section 111 on the Main Concourse. Lenovo Center employees are available for any assistance needed. Please visit Individual Ticket information for ticket warnings.
Guest Conduct
Proper behavior is expected from all of our guests. Obscene language or gestures, abusive/rowdy behavior and physical confrontation will not be tolerated at Lenovo Center and will be cause for ejection and/or arrest.
Please immediately notify the nearest usher or arena representative if actions of this type occur.
Lenovo Center management reserves the right to relocate seating to any performance, event or game.
Media reports have said that we are one of the loudest buildings in the NHL. Although we love for our fans to cheer, we must maintain some basic protocols. As some fans like to stand and cheer, others prefer to sit and cheer. Fans who sit are entitled to enjoy the event from their seats without undue obstruction. Many of our guests have mobility impairments and may not be able to stand as others do. Fans are advised that while cheering for the team, please be cognizant and courteous to those around you.
For the safety of all, guests are prohibited from throwing any object in the stands or onto the playing surface or stage.
Entering the playing field, floor, or restricted areas of the building is strictly prohibited and may result in ejection and/or arrest.
For safety reasons, children are not allowed to be placed or carried on a person’s shoulders.
Lenovo Center is a smoke and tobacco free facility; including electronic cigarettes. Smoking areas are no longer available outside the arena.
Loitering, the solicitation of payments, donations, services, and rides, and the advertising and/or selling of goods and/or services in any manner whatsoever including, without limitation, via charity collections, raffles, the display of signage for commercial purposes and/or distribution of flyers for any purpose are prohibited on Lenovo Center property and inside Lenovo Center.
Only invited guests, those doing business with Lenovo Center and/or those holding valid event tickets may enter onto and remain on the property for the purpose of conducting said business with Lenovo Center and/or attending a scheduled event.
Parking on roadways, medians, grass malls, and traffic lanes prohibited. All guests must follow the directions of our parking and traffic agents. Violators may be ticketed by local police and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
Parking lots and roadways are to be used in a safe manner. Circulation between lots is prohibited.
Activities such as ball playing and skating are safety hazards and therefore are not allowed inside or outside of Lenovo Center. Anyone seen skating will be asked to remove the wheels from the shoe or refrain from using the skating medium (i.e Rollerblading, Skateboarding, Heelys, etc).
Tailgating on site is permitted. Vehicles must occupy only one parking space. Use of grills must follow Open Fires Prohibited guidelines.
The igniting of fires* for any purpose whatsoever is prohibited on Lenovo Center property.
*Personal grills are permitted in the parking lots only. The use of grills is prohibited on sidewalks, near buildings with or without canopies or in any area where guests or property may be damaged.
No person shall cut, mutilate, or remove any trees, shrubs, flowers, plants, topsoil, or sod located upon the property unless authorized by management. Damage, defacement, removal, or destruction of the surface of the facility or its structures, appurtenances, recreational facilities, or property is prohibited.
For the safety and privacy of our guests, spectators, tenants, promoters, and property, the use and operation of Drones/UAS/UAV are prohibited in and over our airspace, in our parking lots, roadways, properties owned, leased, occupied, or managed by Lenovo Center, including Carter-Finley Stadium and surrounding areas.
Violation of Lenovo Center policies or state/local laws may result in ejections, fines, and/or prosecution. In addition, violators may be barred from future events at Lenovo Center. Ejected parties may make a written appeal to the Arena Manager or his designee. The decision rendered on appeal shall be final.
Emergency Evacuation Public Address Announcement
Announcements will be played before each event as required per Raleigh FD (Standard Fire Prevention Code 3101.54). Lenovo Center is equipped with Emergency Generator Power, which will be activated automatically in the event of a blackout.
In addition, each aisle is outfitted with emergency lighting, which is designed to safely illuminate your way to the nearest Exit. All Exit Signs are illuminated in RED, so that our guests can easily identify them.
29 Exits from the Main Concourse
24 Exits from the Club Concourse
36 Exits from the Upper Concourse
More Information?
Please visit our FAQ page for more information.
When on-site, please see one of our courteous Lenovo Center staff members. Should you have further questions, please visit our Guest Services page.